About Dr Sunil S

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Dr Sunil S, “Your Family Dentist” who provides skillful, high quality and caring dental care in an honest way.

He is the Director & Chief-Doctor of Care ‘n’ Concern Family Dental Clinic at Hampinagar since 8 years. He owns the brand Hontistry which stands for Honest Dental Care. He is also a Professor in the subject of Periodontics & Implantology. He also has a fellowship in Dental Lasers from  Singapore.

Dr Sunil S is striving to bring back the age old system of family doctor relationship where there is a life-long relationship between patient & doctor. He would like to take care of your dental needs in a trustable & caring manner. He calls himself “Your Family Dentist”.

He continuously updates his knowledge to serve patients better.

He makes optimum use of technology to provide advanced dental care. 

His philosophy is to reduce dental treatment costs by following the below 4 point agenda –

  1. Take appropriate preventive measures.
  2. Minimal and necessary interventions.
  3. Offer advanced quality dental care at prices which are affordable, making it more economical compared to the same quality care elsewhere.
  4. Provide high quality treatments which are durable, and are lighter on patients’ pockets in the long run.

Few of his other credentials are:

  • He has been helping his patients experience the beauty of Lasers offering pain-less, blood-less, stitch-less & often anesthesia-less therapies.
  • He has discovered a new oral condition first time to be reported in the world, which will help the dentists identify & treat this allergic condition of the mouth more effectively.
  • He has developed a simplified technique for stitch-less closure of gums after surgery. This will help patients undergoing gum surgery to have a comfortable stitch-less closure of their gums.
  • He was an editor for Rajiv Gandhi University Dental Journal for 5 years enabling researchers publish good quality scientific articles, which helps other dentists stay tuned with modern advances & helps patients to get better treatments as a result of this scientific knowledge.
  • Has several articles published in national & international journals exhibiting his proficiency in his field & the same knowledge he uses for the benefit of his patients.
  • At present he is developing a new economical needle-less injection technique. He has ventured into this project when we realized that fear of needles is among the TOP 10 Fears in this world.
  • He has a patent for new drug delivery system to manage several diseases of the mouth. 
  • He is a heartfulness international meditation trainer who offers heartfulness meditation free of cost for general public & patients whenever required. He has reached more than 13,000 people through several programs conducted for schools, corporates, general public & people of all backgrounds. Through this offering he intends to transform peoples lives to see a loving, stress-free, harmonious world.

Dr Sunil’s few professional accomplishments :

  • Laser International fellowship from Singapore.
  • Trained to practice Traditional Implantology.
  • Certified Basal Implantologist from International Foundation for Implant Dentistry.
  • Good at Plastic Surgical Procedures of Gums.
  • Simplify procedures to suit each patient needs & offer different treatment options.
  • Focus on prevention of disease & is trained in a Swiss based concept called iTOP (Individually trained oral prophylaxis), which helps in preventing decay & gum diseases.

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