Did you know that getting your weak tooth removed and replaced is the last option while treating it?

Treating the gum disease and weak teeth alone is often insufficient. On the contrary, the maintaining cleanliness around each tooth should be the priority during and after the treatment sessions. This protocol prevents further weakening of the teeth & gums. Quite often teeth that could be saved, are removed and replaced with dental implants & is a topic of debate & confusion.

Development in science has allowed recreating the lost support around a tooth, with long lasting desirable results similar to that of implants fixed in the bone. The desire to retain the natural tooth in treating the disease of the gums and bone, and regenerating the lost support is the treatment of choice, making implant placement as the last resort. This will not only affect the oral health positively but also lessen the overall economic impact on the individuals.

We have all modern facilities helping us to give best quality treatment in a hygienic, non-threatening environment by our experienced team.

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