Did you know that tooth sensitivity is one of the most common symptom of tooth decay & gum disease calling for dentist attention?

16Maytooth pain

Sensitive teeth can be a pain when you are trying to enjoy a delicious hot chocolate or refreshing bowl of ice cream. But what is tooth sensitivity?

– It is your teeth reacting to hot and cold temperatures, giving you pain and discomfort. 

It is also one of the leading cause for individuals seeking dental treatment. It is one of the most common complaints and usually described by the patient as a short, sharp pain arising upon cold or hot intake, brushing, eating sweets & on consuming soft drinks.

What makes tooth sensitive?

Sensitive teeth can be caused by many factors like –

  • Tooth erosion after consuming lots of acidic foods
  • Loss of enamel, either from the food you are eating or using a hard-bristled toothbrush
  • Tooth wear near gums as a side effect of gum receding down.
  • Wrong / vigorous brushing
  • Wrong usage of dental floss
  • Use of highly abrasive toothpastes
  • Chronic traumas due to wrong habits (grinding teeth in stress situations)
  • Broken teeth and broken fillings
  • After gum surgeries
  • Defect in the development of enamel and dentin

When & how to use a desensitizing toothpaste?

Most important thing is to detect the cause & once the cause is detected there are many ways in which we treat the sensitivity.

One of the most common & conservative method to treat sensitivity is by using desensitizing toothpaste. This is used when sensitivity is due to receding gums or wearing out of teeth from the sides or biting surface.

These pastes work by blocking the nerve impulses from the tooth surface, & the pain isn’t felt. This toothpaste has to be used twice daily by applying on the affected teeth & left for 10 minutes. After this step, the teeth should be brushed normally using the same paste. In addition to the toothpaste, you can also use a desensitizing mouthwash if needed. Do as per the directions of the dentist.

What if I don’t treat it?

Teeth sensitivity can also be caused by a range of dental issues such as a broken tooth, tooth decay, root canal infection, gum receding, pockets, wearing of teeth. It’s important to visit your dentist when you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity to eliminate these conditions.

Most of these causes are related to teeth or gum related issues & can be treated by fillings, root canal treatments, crowns or by using Lasers.

Your family dentist is the right person to advice you on how to manage this problem to relieve you of this unpleasant symptom.

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