Did you know why we call our clinic as Care ‘n’ Concern Family Dental Clinic?

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We nearly took few months to name our clinic, as no name was helping us describe what we are up to, once we start the clinic. One fine day my very close friend who is also a dentist, a Professor (Dr Siddeshwaran V) & a heartfulness meditation trainer suggested the name, Care ‘n’ Concern & I immediately liked it (actually I loved it). I immediately felt that I had found the name to which I just added ‘Family’ to make it – Care ‘n’ Concern Family Dental Clinic.

He immediately gave a reason for suggesting this name by relating to an incident with his heartfulness meditation guide who had said that – Only when Love is there for a fellow human being there will be ‘Care’ as well as ‘Concern’ for them.

So, we understood that if Care is the CAKE, Concern is the ICING on the CAKE.

From the beginning we have followed this & it is not just the name but the attitude that we inculcate in our day to day service delivery. We give utmost importance to the patient satisfaction, difficulties & concerns right from their entry into our clinic. For us patient experience is the priority & we want to make it memorable for them. So, I want to share with you all, some of the measures that we take, to show our ‘Care & Concern’ towards our patients –

1. As soon as they enter – Our receptionist will greet them with Namasthe & a smile & make them comfortable by offering them a place to sit (offer them water if needed). Their necessary details will be collected & information regarding their consultation with the doctor will be conveyed to them.

2.  We see that the clinic doesn’t smell like a hospital by using pleasant fragrances.

3. We maintain the clinic, clean & hygienic, which is always pleasing to their sight.

4. We have some hand-picked magazines & really transformative books in the waiting area (This can change the course of their lives if they implement these things).

5. We play instrumental music of selective frequencies, which will help in the healing of mouth or body. We also play some music that will be soothing or relaxing when they are at our place.

6. We try to keep ‘zero waiting’ policy as far as possible.

7. We use a software to record their details, schedule appointments, to record their dental issues, treatment planning, generate invoice etc. The software sends reminder messages about the appointments & we too call them to remind them about the appointments.

8. We do not keep distracting TVs, dental treatment pictures, which can cause anxiety or disturb our patients.

9. During the 1st appointment, we always use an intra-oral camera to project their dental issues on a big screen to give them clarity about their teeth. We believe in ‘SEEING IS BELIEVING’. We do this to create seriousness about their teeth, to educate them to maintain good oral hygiene & take appropriate preventive measures. Whenever needed we suggest some life-style changes also, as many dental diseases are related to the present day life-style.

10. We listen to our patients with patients, explain them about the various treatments needed, various treatment options available & let them choose what is comfortable for them. We acknowledge their fears, concerns, difficulties to the extent possible & try to address them with enough care.

11. During treatment – we do not hurry up with our procedures, but go slow, give them rest in between, keep checking for their comfort & keep the procedure as painless as possible. We try to avoid bad taste of the dental materials by giving a good tasting mouthwash too. Even the process of anaesthesia is made painless by using needle-less anaesthesia from Germany.

12. While using x-rays, we use minimize the radiation by using digital x-rays & hand held devices, which emit comparatively lesser radiation.

13. We are good with diagnosis of the dental problems & when required arrive at the right diagnosis after consultation with the specialist, promoting a multi-specialty approach.

14. All our doctors are well experienced, qualified & we offer multi-specialty care at most reasonable prices. The durability of our treatments will result in much lesser burden on the patients’ pockets in the long run too. Our contention is to provide advanced & high quality care for most reasonable prices, which will be 20 to 30 % lesser to the same quality care elsewhere.

15. We give multiple payment options like cash, Phonepe, G-pay, Paytm & credit or debit card payments too. We also give EMI & other convenient payment options to make it comfortable for our patients.

16. For those who cannot afford we have discount days every month or get them treated in various dental colleges, which offers the treatments for lesser prices.

17. After some of the treatments like root canal treatments, implants or teeth removal we call the patients (the following day) to check for their wellbeing, to see if they are taking the medication properly & following our instructions.

18. We believe in maintaining a long term relationship, keep in mind the overall wellbeing of our patients whenever possible. While doing this, we like to bring back the age old culture, of serving our patients as their ‘Family (Doctor) Dentist’.

19. We keep ourselves updated to serve our patients with the latest dental treatments that is possible. We also update our clinic with new & latest equipment to give the best for our patients.

20. We also offer them stress relief with free heartfulness meditation sessions if they are interested.

21. We provide Honest Dental Care, which is the core value for which we stand for & represent. This honest dental treatment culture is called as Hontistry by us (Please check www.hontistry.com for more details).

These are the few ways in which we care for our patients, by showing our concern for their wellbeing & we want to tell them that – It is not always about how much we know, but it is always about how much we care.

We at Care ‘n’ Concern Family Dental Clinic stand for providing genuine care for our patients in an Honest way. We have a vision of showing the world a new way of practicing dentistry.

We have all modern facilities helping us to give best quality treatment in a hygienic, non-threatening environment by our experienced team.

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