Did you know the 4 evergreen pillars of preventive medical/dental care?

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All of us are pretty aware of the fact that prevention is the best strategy to avoid any problem in life, be it health or otherwise. All of us also know about a well known saying, which is – Prevention is better than cure.

Our firm belief & hence our approach as a true family dentist also has this component of prevention of all possible dental problems. Our recommendation on your health & wellbeing consists of using this technique, which according to us is the most important one, yet the least used & the most difficult one as it requires consistency & discipline.

In these lines I am suggesting you all an approach, which in my experience has worked for me & has helped several thousands too. The simple, yet effective approach is to take your “MEDS”

  • Meditate daily – For a good mental & emotional wellbeing
  • Exercise daily – For a good physical wellbeing
  • Diet – For overall wellbeing (Dental & general health)
  • Sleep well – For your rejuvenation, healing & general wellbeing
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These 4 things are easily said than done. But, I tell you that, you can save lakhs of your precious money, energy & time with this method. Most modern day diseases are directly related to the life style & lack of discipline in the above 4 areas. To prove this point, there is an interesting example of Eskimos. Eskimos were indigenous populations of Arctic & Sub-arctic regions who never had any teeth decay. However, when they moved to United Kingdom & started having their soft, sticky & carbohydrate diet, they started having teeth decay, which was attributed to their critical life style changes of diet. So, we advocate & support life style changes for the good of all who are willing to take action in this direction. This will not only prevent problems of the mouth, but also help prevent serious general health problems in the long run.

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A True Family Dentist Will Be Ever Ready To Help You With These Things –

Remember: The above information is to be used as general guidelines and you should not use this information to diagnose yourself. If you are concerned about your teeth, you should contact a dental clinic.

We have all modern facilities helping us to give best quality treatment in a hygienic, non-threatening environment by our experienced team.

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