How to make dental treatments gentle on your pockets: The Hontistry Way Part 2

1Sepdental blog 2

D. Prioritize

The 4th best way – If you need more dental work than you can afford, ask the dentist which procedures need to be completed right away and which can be put off for a little while. Then work out a treatment plan based on needs. The dentist may also be able to offer some temporary fixes to keep your teeth healthy while you save some money for the permanent fix.

E. Ask your dentists for Membership Plans

The 5th best way is taking some Membership Plans at a clinic (If available), which helps you to spend less on your routine dental treatment. It should also cover many or all your preventive dental care. Getting into a good membership plan might help you save 5% to 30% of your money on select procedures. If you buy a membership plan you will be more committed come for regular check-ups & preventive services rather than curative Procedures. This will help you save more money in the long run.

Whenever, you focus on preventive / maintenance care, money gets saved automatically.

F. Ask for EMI Payment Plans

The 6th best way – If you are not having the money to get the treatment done, postponing the treatment will only help you to postpone your expenses for a future time – However  remember, youwill be spending more as you are only postponing the treatment & not the disease progression that continues in your mouth. Knowing this problem, some caring dentists would be offering some EMI payment plans. Askyour dentist for such plans & select the suitable ones to fund your treatments. You can borrow amounts above Rs.5000 subject to approval of EMI within 10 minutes of application & document submission. By doing this you will be rectifying the problem immediately & spend less in long run.

G. Check out for discount days or camp days

7th best way to save money is to ask for dental camp or discount days, which will be run on fixed days in a month. You tend to save 5 to 25% on select procedures on these days & might also get some free consultations too.

H. Options for BPL (Below Poverty Line) card holders 

There will be few days in a month or a quarter where we offer up to 50% off on select procedures with an upper capping limit per patient for up to 3 patients.

You may even ask about other economical places to visit to get your treatments done.

We have all modern facilities helping us to give best quality treatment in a hygienic, non-threatening environment by our experienced team.

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